Monday, February 25, 2013

Student of the Week

Adam-First Grade

This weeks student of the week is Adam. Adam is the third oldest of 6 children in his family. He has 3 brothers (Joey, Mark, Eric) and 2 twin sisters (Angela, Karen). 

Hobbies: playing with cars, coloring, singing, playing video games, swimming, football, and hanging out with friends
Favorite Foods: Macaroni & cheese, buttered mushrooms, Chinese food, and chicken wings.  
Favorite color: Blue 

Favorite Season: Summer
Favorite Memory: Going to his grandma's house every Christmas

Why is he the Student of the Week? 
Adam was chosen to be student of the week because when someone in our class got hurt he came running to me and told me so we could get her to the nurses office as soon as possible.

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